No Drivers License Need Bad Credit Car Loan

by Lori

Question: I don't have a valid license and I need a bad credit car loan. Can I get an auto loan? If so, where do I apply? I need a car asap. Thanks!

Aanswer: With no drivers license needing a bad credit car loan I'd have to say that I'm 99.9% positive you will not be able to get approved on your own. You will need to work with a dealer that has the right lenders for your situation.

Lenders that would be able to help you will typically not lend direct to the customer and will only lend you money if the deal was arranged through the dealership.

There is no law saying that you have to have a drivers license to buy a car, but most lenders do require a valid one in order for them to fund a loan, which means you may be able to get approved, but eventually the deal will unwind. Be sure to tell the dealer that you choose to work with right upfront about the status of your DL.

Combine no DL with bad credit and your situation becomes harder, but not impossible. There are only a handful of lenders that will approve and fund a loan in your situation.

You'll probably need to get financed with a lender like Credit Acceptance, but again, they do not lend direct to the customer and you will have to work with a dealer that works with them.

To find dealers in your local area that specialize in bad credit car loans, take a look at Auto Credit Express.

They have hundreds of bad credit car dealers they work with throughout the country and will hopefully have one in your area that can help get you a car fast!

Hope this helps,

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